Nestled in the Long Island sound, there lies a safe haven for demigods — the children of gods and goddesses. Though its location has changed over the years, moving with the expansion of western civilization, its purpose has remained the same: to act as a home for these powerful children, protecting them from the creatures that wish to destroy them.
Here, demigods are trained to be the best heroes, with the help of Chiron the Centaur and Dionysus. Are you ready to meet the others and live in Camp Half-Blood?
It has been many years since the great battle against the Titans and Gaia has been long put back to sleep. For a while, the life of demigods were a little easier. well, as easy as it could be. Inspired by New Rome in California, Chiron had decided to create a city for half-bloods to live their life in peace within the safety borders of camp. Dubbed New Athens, the hope was to give demigods a safe haven after they age out of camp. There, they will be able to go to college, have a job and even start their own families without the fear of monster attacks.
However, peace is not an option for everyone right now.
On Olympus, the things were not as quiet as it seemed. The gods bickering, fighting, being on thin ice with one another even over the most minuscule of things is something that has never changed. Even in 2020, centuries after the gods initially rose to power, they seemed to always have a fight to pick with one another.
Until one day, the gods are on the verge of starting another war. It was said that Ares' war helmet went missing and he started pointing fingers at his most argumentative foe, Athena. Ares figured the only one clever enough to take the war helmet from him would be the goddess of wisdom herself, and on the other hand, this accusation greatly offended Athena as she argued to have no interest in stealing an item of blatant violence and initiating a war with no reasonable intent. The god of war was furious over her comment and the two of them continue to fought and bickered for days, until at some point they both said things they could never take back.
And so it began the division between the gods.
Athena condemned him and all the gods who followed or supported his violent footsteps, claiming they lack of brain to that not everything can be solved with brute force. Ares spat back, claiming Athena only acting all high and mighty so that she didn't get her hands dirty, and that every other gods and goddesses that followed in her trails are too lazy and never willing to do whatever had to be done.
It's been months after the disappearance of the helmet and yet still no sightings of it everywhere and no clear suspects, nothing other than Ares' accusation at Athena. The rage between those two festered and grew, things got so much worse to the point where Athena refused any communication with other olympians who swore to Ares' side over her, and the same thing happened with Ares. As for the rest of the gods who haven't declared which side are they on, olympians or not, were shunned too by both sides of the war.
But what does this mean for the demigods?
The Oracle of Delphi has spoken of a prophecy. The war is starting to affect everyone back in Camp Half-Blood, the demigods are starting to feel the tension. With both Ares and Athena mad, tensions are raging between everyone. More fights broke out, more nasty tricks pulled, and the Ares and Athena kids are feeling it the most. With this news, all plans of New Athens were pulled to a grinding halt.
Once an ancient king rise, all hell breaks lose
Against all odds, they shall find what was gone
Though it must come with the cost of life
See it safely returned or see the world in carnage
God against god. It was hard for their godly children to not follow in their parents footsteps. Some demigods did choose their side, and were rewarded with more power and more strength from their grateful parents. As for the demigods who didn't . . . . Well, some were lucky and got off fine. Some faced the wrath of their parent, often with nasty dreams, power removal, or some other form of punishment. However, a few weeks ago a rumor spread that it was, in fact, a demigod who had stolen the helm and hid it away in an attempt for this infighting between the gods. And for what purpose, nobody has any idea.
Rumors, accusations, wrath of the gods. What else is there to endure?
The life of demigods has never been dull.
Division of the gods
Ares's Side | Neutral | Athena's Side |
Zeus | Apollo | Hera |
Aphrodite | Artemis | Poseidon |
Nemesis | Dionysus | Hepaestus |
Hypnos | Hades | Demeter |
Nike | Iris | Hermes |
Hecate | Hebe | Tyche |
* For demigods, you cannot pick the sides yourself and will have to follow your godly parents’ side.
Our registration will be using the form system, which will be released according to our group schedule. You may be asked for a short writing example in the form as a way for us to determine / get a read on how your character is. Other than that, the questions will revolve on introducing your character, such as full name and background story.
There will be only three demigods maximum per one godly parents (minus Artemis and Hera, since they have no offsprings) to anticipate too many people choosing the same gods. We hope you'll consider choosing the minor gods and goddesses too. There are still a lot divine cabins of other gods and goddesses in this camp. It really doesn't matter which cabins you are in, we will try our best to include everyone in our SL and make sure everyone contributes something to the story.
After filling the form, send the main base a confirmation tweet in the format:
“I'm (character's name), Son / Daughter of (........). I have filled out the new camper application form.”
Once you're done filling out the form and sending confirmation tweet, the next thing is to wait for the announcement day. In the mean time, you can work on tidying out your account if you want to. The accepted members will be announced no later than 2x24 after the registration is closed. So, keep your eyes peeled!
For all accepted campers, you are required to make the account within 1x24. If there are any difficulties, please do notify us before the time is up. After everything is all set, you can start to send our main base the verification tweet in the format :
“I am (character's name), Son / Daughter of (........). You may have heard that I'm on (Athena / Neutral / Ares) side, but I will do my best to help prevent the war.” [ attach character profile link ]
Congratulations! You are now a part of our family. Be sure to read our guidelines here to learn more about our rules.
We do not allow multiple characters. That being said, each writer only has one character slot / one head one account. We want to give other people a chance at becoming one of us too. There will be consequences if we found out that you have more than one account in HalfBloodsAU.
Once accepted, you are required to make the account within 1x24 time or your roles will be reopen for other people. You can use old or new account, as long as the number of followings of your account is 0. Make sure to follow all accepted members and match your following number with the main base. You can make the account with the following format : @(character's name)_HB
Put your cabin number and godly parent on your location, total drachmas and stars somewhere on your bio, and link to your character's profile data on the website. That way, it will makes it easier for people to recognize you. For example :
BIO : insert character’s name or quote or something . . . ( ₯ 100 & 50★ )
LOC : Cabin 6, Athena. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤLINK : www.marystu.carrd.co
Once you are verified by the admins, you are required to make a character profile to explain and let others know about your character's backstory (it can be in carrd, weebly, biol.be, et cetera). Please refrain from creating a Mary Sue / Gary Stu kind of character, it's alright to add some flaws and weaknesses into your character. The minimum character age is 15 or born in 2005, and the maximum age is 20 or born in 2000. As for the faceclaim, there will be no age limitations as long as they can still fit the image of teenagers.
There isn't any specific rules about faceclaims, however, we encouraged diversity in characters. The ratio between Western and Asian FC is 3:2. Also, we strongly forbid anyone to do racewashing to their character. On another note, LGBTQ+ is allowed here. Feel free to create your character however you please as this is a safe space.
For faceclaim change, you can only change it once for free once accepted by messaging the base before you get verification. But you can still change your faceclaim for one time after verification by paying 5,000 drachmas to @CHBStores
HalfBloodsAU is a Closed Alternate Universe Agency, meaning there will be no interactions between our members with anyone outside the group. Please refrain from retweeting stuffs from accounts outside the group, except it was specifically addressing / mentioning your account.
We also ask everyone to limit your OOC posts outside of our OOC time, which is around 7PM to 7AM WIB (GMT +7). That being said, there should be no OOC posts on timeline outside the stated time, unless we allow it on specific events. Failure to follow this rule will result in deduction of your drachmas.
The last thing we ask in this section is for everyone to be kind and considerate, simple as that. There are two forms of drama: OOC and IC, and we trust you are mature enough to know the difference. While IC drama is strongly encouraged, we will not tolerate OOC drama. If you have a problem with another writer and it cannot be resolved, feel free to send a message to the admins. We promise we will try to take an appropriate action to help resolving the problem. Also, please try to interact with every members of HalfBloodsAU, or at least be polite during OOC time and try to make sure everyone feels included in the roleplay. The last thing we want is for someone to feel left out and uncomfortable.
We completely understand that sometimes real lives can get in the way, but we want dedicated members who are willing to write with us. That being said, we ask you to come online and write at least 3 days a week. IC talk, banters, gif baits will not be counted as activity. Activity check will be done once in two weeks, on Friday. Our inactivity and hiatus standard is:
3 days of inactivity after verification will prompt a warning
7 days of inactivity after verification (4 days after warning) will result in unverification
Hiatus can be taken for 14 days long after your notice
Hiatus extension can only be given 5 extra days after your extension notice
Failure to report back after hiatus will result in immediate unverification
After your hiatus time is up, you must report back to our main base and write a plot with 5 minimum replies if you don't want to get deported. Also, please let us know firsthand if you plan on on leaving the role-play. All we ask is a simple note of notice before changing or deactivating the account, that would be very much appreciated.
This role-play group is rated PG-15. Since most of the characters would be minors, please be considerate in your writing’s theme. Our agency also use multiverse system with maximum 4 on-going plots. Our main language will be Bahasa, however, you are allowed to do plots in English too if you want. We encouraged you to actively do plots, either self-plots or partnered, during your time with us. We also do not allow godmodding, and do not assume your character knows things only because you as a writer know them. Use your common sense, take the time to develop and grow your characters.
Once you start a plot, we implore you to finish it and not left your partner hanging. That being said, Plot Freeze can only be done if the partner is taking a hiatus or during events. Do notify @CHBStory if you plan on freezing your plot while your partner is taking hiatus. Simply tag us on your freeze plot tweet.
There is no maximum time to finish your daily plot, however, all lead / mission / challenge plots have its own time. For lead / mission / challenge plots, the maximum time to finish is two days to get bonus money (+ ₯ 200) for those plots. Our rewards count are :
Self Plot : ₯ 50 / reply
Partnered Plot : ₯ 25 / reply
Group Plot ( more than two people) : ₯ 20 / reply
* There will be special rewards or bonus for more money through Mission Plots, Challenge Plots, and Game Nights!
Once you have finished the plots, you can tag them to @CHBStores to claim your money with the following format :
End of (Solo / Partner with @.... / Group Plot with @.... @....), (total replies count).
We are using Drachma (D)
as our currency in Camp Half-Blood. This will have value in @CHBStores. You can use your drachmas to buy new weapons and supplies, or if you're feeling generous, give some of it to your friends. For more informations on what the store sells will be detailed on the store’s account.
With every transactions made, you are required to tag the store with the purpose of your transaction along with the screenshot proof of your money deduction.
While drachmas is used for buying stuffs at camp and earned through plot rewards, stars mark
is earned as a reward for how active or involved your character is during event or mission plots. It cannot be used for any kind of purchase and cannot be transferred. The amount of stars will help determine our best Camper of the Month. However, if there are two or more campers with the same highest amount of stars, there will be held a vote to choose only one best camper. After the best Camper of the Month is chosen, all stars will be reset back to zero (0) and everyone will have the same chance to earn them again in the next period.
❛ Keeping Young Heroes Safe from Harm (Mostly) For Over Three Millennia! ❜
Camp Half-Blood is a Greek demigod training facility located on the north shore of Long Island. The camp is directed by the god Dionysus, who the campers call "Mr. D," and Chiron, a Centaur who is the camp activities director. The camp's cover name is Delphi Strawberry Service, a reference to the name of the Oracle of Delphi.
Our Camp Directors (Dionysus & Chiron) and Oracle of Delphi
The camp has magical borders which are enforced by the Golden Fleece placed on Thalia's pine tree, its magical powers protecting the camp from monsters and invaders. The Fleece stays on the tree and is guarded by the dragon Peleus, ensuring that no one could steal the Fleece and endanger the campers' safety.
The half-bloods live in cabins with their half-siblings and eat together at the dining pavilion. There is also an archery field, a sword fighting arena, a climbing wall with lava for training, an amphitheater, stables, an armory, and the Big House.
There were originally twelve cabins (all the Olympian gods except for Hades and minor gods) but after the Second Titan War, Percy Jackson made the gods promise to claim all their children by age 13 and to have more respect for the minor gods, so now there are twenty cabins in total, one honoring each god or goddess (Minors included). Some of the cabins include Zeus, Hera (a honorary cabin although she has no demigod offspring), Poseidon, Demeter, Dionysus, Hermes, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Artemis (also honorary because she is one of the maiden/virgin goddesses, and it is only used when her Hunters come to camp), the cabins of Hades, Iris, Hypnos, Nemesis, Nike, Hebe, Tyche, and Hecate being the latest additions. This makes in total twenty cabins at Camp Half-Blood. The cabins are placed in the shape of a Greek Omega (the last letter of the Classic Greek alphabet: Ω).
Click here to view detailed information on places around the camp.

This large, sky-blue house serves as the main administrative building at Camp. The Big House is where many staff members meet with the cabin counsellors to discuss various topics. There are four floors including a basement and an attic in the big house. If you’re looking for Mr. D or Chiron, this is usually where you’ll find them–as well as Argus!

The cabins, also known as divine cabins, at Camp Half-Blood each represent one of the greek gods and goddesses. There are over twenty uniquely built cabins that accommodate the demigods during their stay. Each cabin represent their respected god or goddess and no two cabins are alike, both in physicality and content. Demigods attending the camp stay in the respective cabins patronized by their immortal parents with their half-siblings. Each cabin has the capacity to house up to twenty campers.

The Mess Hall (also known as the Dining Pavilion) is where demigods, satyrs, and even the camp directors all eat their meals. The goblets are enchanted and can be filled with any drink you desire as long as it’s non-alcoholic, it also never empties. Furthermore, healthy food is served by the wood nymphs. Each cabin has their own tables and campers are not allowed to sit at a table that is not their cabin's. At the center of the pavilion is a bonfire that is lit during dinners. Each demigods take turns going up to the fire and dropping in a share of their best food as an offering for the gods (because apparently the gods like the smell). Hestia, goddess of the hearth, gets a portion of each offering.

This is where the campers are treated or cured when they have wounds, diseases, or illnesses. The Infirmary is mainly operated by demigods from Apollo's Cabin, but others may also offer their assistance. The Infirmary operates 24/7 for any kinds of emergencies and accidents. There are two main floors and a basement of the building. The first floor is the Emergency Area, where the patients are first admitted and provided with initial treatment by the Infirmary's workers. On the second floor are the Patients' Rooms, where they can rest and receive further treatment to recover if necessary. The basement floor is the stockroom and apothecary.

The amphitheater has rising tiers of stone benches that curve around the central stage. The benches are as comfortable as movie-theater chairs. This is the place where the campers gathered during a mandatory gathering or announcement, or basically anything Mr. D does that need audience.

The cave of the oracle is where the current oracle resides when at camp. The cave walls has paintings of her visions to get a better understanding of them. Outside the cave, there are two torches with a purple curtain covering the entire cave, thereby granting privacy to the person inside.

The scenic destination is a very popular spot–especially for romantic evenings to impress that lucky someone. You'll always find a Poseidon kid or two around here. The lake is often used for various water sports such as rowing, canoeing, or sailing.

The stables are home to many horses and pegasi which campers are free to ride as they wish. Every few times, some demigods would take pegasi lessons from one of the other demigods from other cabin. The Demeter cabin is usually in charge of giving the pegasi riding lessons, but Aphrodite's cabin helps every now and then. While the general aesthetic of the stables is pretty pleasant, the smell is most definitely not–don’t fall into extra stable duty for the sake of your nose!

The beach is the sandy coastline located at the camp's northern most border. The beach is always a good choice for anyone who wants a little break from the training regime at camp. It is also the location for the fireworks display.
Half-Blood hill
Half-Blood Hill is the entrance to Camp Half-Blood which is located in Long Island, New York City at Farm Road 3.141, New York.
The camp borders are designed to keep mortals, monsters, bad weather and many other things out of the camp. Only campers, satyrs, gods and certain mortals and monsters who were given the permission by a camper may enter through the border.

Delphi Strawberry Service is the camp’s cover name, with mortals merely seeing the camp as a strawberry field beside a sign that reads ‘Pick Your Own Strawberries’. The residents at Camp Half Blood (and also a little help from Mr. D) all help grow and harvest the fruit in order to sell it off to restaurants in New York and Mount Olympus as this helps pay for the camp’s expenses.

The woods are where dryads live and monsters were stocked. it is known as a dangerous place, and no one should ever go there unless they were armed or with a companion. The campers play Capture-The-Flag in the woods every friday and sometimes hunt for monsters to fight as training.
Years ago when attempting to make it across the border to Camp Half-Blood, Thalia Grace made her last stand on Half-Blood Hill. As Thalia lay dying, her father Zeus transformed her into a pine tree which acted as a protective border between the camp and monsters. Later after Luke poisoned the tree, a quest was called to recover the golden fleece. The fleece worked so well that it healed Thalia herself, bringing her back into a demigod form. The tree now serves no actual purpose except as a monument to thalia; it is now the fleece that keeps the barrier working.
The Athena Parthenos is a forty-feet-tall statue of the goddess athena. Towards the end of the second gigantomachy, it was returned to the Greeks as a gift from the Romans. The Athena Parthenos stopped the demigod civil war between Romans and Greeks and healed the split personalities of the gods, allowing them to defeat Gaea and her giants. it now stands on Half-Blood Hill, protecting Camp Half-Blood’s borders.
The Grove of Dodona is a grove of sacred oak trees located deep in the forest that can actually speak and sometimes even issued prophecies.
Zeus's fist is a cluster of rocks that, from a certain angle, looks like a large fist (though at any other angle looks like a pile of deer droppings—the campers are prohibited from calling it the “poop pile”). It was discovered to be an entrance to the labyrinth. But after the labyrinth was destroyed years ago, the rocks served no special purpose. The Zeus's fist is occasionally used as the starting point for both teams during Capture-The-Flag.
training ground & tinkering
Here in Camp Half-Blood, we keep a daily schedule to fill our campers' day and keep them fit. You can find the camp schedule on the table below.
08:00 AM | Breakfast |
10:00 AM | Cabin Inspection |
10:00 - 11:00 AM | Shield & Weapons Training with Ares Cabin |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Archery Lesson with Chiron and Apollo Cabin |
12:00 PM | Lunch Break |
01:00 - 02:00 PM | Winged Horseback Riding & Aerial Combat with Demeter Cabin |
02:00 - 03:00 PM | Monster Assault Techniques with Hermes and Nike Cabin |
03:00 - 06:00 PM | Free Time & Cabin Clean-Up |
07:00 PM | Dinner & Announcements (if there are any) |
07:30 - 09:00 PM | Bonfire Night & Sing Along / Capture The Flag (only on Friday) |
10:00 PM | Preparing for bedtime — all lights must be out by 11:00 PM |
11:00 PM | Curfew Time |
And here are the places where the campers train and sharpen their skills, or just to keep themselves entertain.

The camp forge is where weapons are forged. This is also where damaged weapons and armor can be taken for repair. Hephaestus’ children are often (or always) working in the forges, but it is open to everyone. Campers can make their very own weapons here.
This is where the campers get their weapons. It is a big metal shed around the side of Athena’s cabin. It has quite a large collection of swords, spears, clubs and even shotguns. Every camper gets a weapon from here, however the designs are not exactly flattering. If you wish to have your own upgraded weapon, you can buy them at the camp store!

The art & craft center is a place in Camp Half-Blood where campers sculpt, paint, weave, and do ceramics. Campers can make their very own marble statue or homemade lyre. The arts and crafts center is the favorite place of Athena's and Apollo's children, but it is also open to everyone to embrace their artistic side.
The climbing wall is a giant wall which greek demigod campers climb at Camp Half-Blood. They must climb quickly or it will clash with the other wall, causing lava to pour from the top, and boulders to fall on whoever is climbing at the time.

The archery field is where archery classes are taught. If you need some help, you'll easily find campers from Apollo cabin giving out archery lesson here.
The sword fighting area is where campers go to duel and practice with different weapons of their choice. It is between the cabins and the armory. There are straw dummies in greek armor scattered around and training swords.
The volleyball court is the court the demigods go to play volleyball.